IMDb it
Release Date: Unknown (2010)
Plot Summary: A bunch of students are conducting their thesis on a recently escaped serial killer. Their teacher thought it would be a good idea if they stayed at his childhood home to get inside his mind. Yeahhhh.... she thought wrong.
As next week is Halloween, I wanted to talk about an upcoming horror movie to get in the festive spirit. Unfortunately, I chose Circle. This movie looks so boring, I almost couldn't get through the entire trailer. In fact, I got distracted by an axe body spray commercial. AXE BODY SPRAY. That's actually more terrifying than this movie. I'm sorry, but this just looks god awful. What teacher in their right mind would even consider it a good idea to send students to stay at an escaped serial killer's childhood home?? That's just ridiculous and flat out stupid. While I know some movies require you to believe in the universe in which the story is taking place, there's just no way that would happen in any universe.
The lack of any actors I've heard of should have been an indication this was going to be a stinker. It's seems like it's got a little bit Zodiac mixed with Saw 2, sprinkled with some Friday the 13. Certainly a recipe for disaster. The director has done a few TV episodes here and there, so maybe he should stick to that.
But I digress. This may not be the director's fault. It's hard to gauge a director's abilities through a trailer. It could be a simple case of bad screenwriting and stupid movie studio heads who thought this movie would be a good idea. I think I'd make a pretty good studio head if I do say so myself. Anyone hiring??
That being said, I'm going to save my money on this one.
The Verdict: HELLS no