Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scream 4

Release Date: April 15, 2011
Plot Summary: Poor Sidney Prescott just can't catch a break. This girl has been through it all. First, her high school boyfriend killed her classmates and best friend before being the target herself and framing her dad. Then, while attending college, her new boyfriend's best friend teamed up with her old boyfriend's mother to kill her new classmates and new best friend. After graduating, she tries to lay low, but can't escape once the actors of the movies being made about her life are being killed by her newly discovered half brother. Now, 10 years later, it looks like she's not done yet...

Ok ok... I know. I haven't done one of these in several months. I warned you that I'm a little ADD when it comes to starting a project, but I'm back. And I'm here with Scream 4. I'm a huge Scream fan. The movie single-handedly re-launched the slasher genre in the 90's. Though I'm a horror aficionado, I have to say I'm not a fan of the horror sequel (usually). Now Scream has 3 of them. Do we really need a 4th? Is there really any way Wes can make this one different than the previous 3 installments? Plus, the 3rd was awful and the 2nd just bad. I'm not convinced.

On the other hand, I think Courtney Love is like a fine wine... she only gets better with age. I swear she looks hotter in this one than she did in the others. And the woman's on the bad half of 40! 'Atta girl! Her co-star, David Arquette, should be kicking himself for letting that one go. As for Neve Campbell, she still looks good, too. She hasn't really done anything noteworthy though except for Scream 3. So sad. Interestingly, it also has Anna Paquin (Ssssssookeh) and Mary McDonnell (Madame President) which admittedly makes me a wee bit curious.

There's really not much I can say about this movie. I think it's become fairly obvious that the films I'm not too excited about tend to have shorter entries. While it's easy to chalk it up to laziness, it's really due to lack of enthusiasm. It just seems to me that Wes needed some money, and finding a new crop of youngins to butcher via kitchen knife is a great way to get young males into theater seats. Unfortunately, Scream has fallen victim to the very same horror stereotypes it was originally a satire of. That's not to say I won't end up catching this on blu-ray anyway...

The verdict: Save for Blu-ray

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