Wednesday, June 23, 2010


"Dreams feel real when we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange."


Plot Summary: Leo is deeply involved in an operation involving stealing ideas from people's dreams. Corruption runs a muck, and his only way back to normal life (and a fiiiiiiine woman) is to complete one. final. job. With the help of Ellen Page, yay!

I have to be completely honest. I'm totally, 110% unabashedly bias in my verdict of this movie. Ever since I saw the teaser (which, by the way, I will never discuss those here - only full trailers), I had been waiting for the full-length trailer like a fat kid waiting for Easter. The scene with the city streets folding over itself? Chills. I've had the biggest desire to see this ever since and cannot WAIT until its July release. Damn the rating system - I'll be the first in line at Jordan's IMAX when this beast comes out. For several perfectly valid reasons, of course:

1.) Christopher Nolan. Really? Do I really need to go on from here? Despite his short resume, I'm convinced he's one of the greatest directors actively working. What he does with the rest of his career will determine whether or not that claim will be extended to "of all-time." Memento is incredible - even if only for featuring a lovely non-leathered Carrie Anne Moss. The Dark Knight, too amazing for words. This man took a tired comic book comic book movie franchise and transformed it into a masterpiece of cinematic wonder. 2012 can't come soon enough for his third foray into Gotham City. I'm thankful it'll be out before the world ends.

2.) Leo DiCaprio. Past Leo-mania aside, this is a guy who many considered just another teen heartthrob on his way to owning a rehab timeshare a la Corey Haim (too soon?), and has developed into one of the most talented actors of our generation. Say what you will about him, but I honestly believe that. All one needs to do for proof is watch Shutter Island, Revolutionary Road, The Departed, Blood Diamond, or the Aviator.

3.) Ellen Page. Down with the haters - I actually like Ellen Page. She has such a mature, self-aware attitude that really shows in her performances. Ever see Hard Candy? I recommend you check it out and re-evaluate your opinion.

4.) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Again, another actor I consider one of the most talented of our generation. Damn the hipsters, I loved (500) Days of Summer. His turn in Mysterious Skin was emotional. And he was really the only redeeming quality in GI Joe. A former "child star" just like #2, he took the same career path by laying low and choosing smart independent films before breaking back into the mainstream a new man.

5.) Michael Caine, Cillian Murphy, Marion Cotillard. Honestly now, when you really think about it, is this not one of the best overall movie casts in a long time?? I've placed these three in their own category because it looks as though they might be ancillary characters. But still, Michael is a class act, Cillian's had some great performances in Batman Begins and 28 Days Later, and Marion is simply stunning. Have to admit I never saw La Vie En Rose, but she was great in Public Enemies. And she's beautiful beautiful beautiful.

This movie has so much going for me. July is right around the corner and I'm starting to dread it's release. I'm terrified that it's going to be bad. The only thing worse for me than seeing a bad movie, is being disappointed in a movie I'm dying to see.

Then again, that's the job of a trailer. Hype up as many people as possible and cash in on opening weekend. CNolan doesn't do movies that way though. He's too much of an artist when it comes to film. Much like Scorcese. That's why I'm PRAYING this movie is everything I hope it to be and more.

The special effects look incredible (I'm sure even moreso in IMAX), the cast is brilliant, the director is amazing, and the story sounds, well, mostly original (I hate to admit it bears a very VERY slight resemblance to The Cell). I just know I'm hyping myself up for disappointment, but I don't care. I really don't.

I can't freaking wait to see this movie.

Verdict: yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesPLEASE

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