Wednesday, June 23, 2010

You Again

"I'm also on
Facebook. And the Twitter."


Plot Summary:
Gossip Girl comes home for her brother's wedding only to find out he's marrying the girl who made her life a living hell in high school. But wise mama knows you can't get through high school unscathed and advises she drop it. But then - dun dunnnnn! - mama's high school nemesis, now the fiancee's aunt, shows up. Hilarity ensues and lessons are learned.

Everything about this movie sends up red flags. Chick flick? FLAG! PG rating? FLAG! Risk of seeing Jamie Lee Curtis's vag-enis? RUN FOR THE HILLS!!

I kid, I kid. Obvi JLC is not a hermie. And her work in Halloween is the stuff wet dreams are made of. What made me click on this trailer was seeing Sigourney Weaver and Betty White on the poster. These are two actresses I will see ANYTHING they're in. Anything. Ripley? Perfection! Rose? Exquisite! On the one hand, I'm hoping James Cameron can bring Sigourney back for the next two Avatar films. On the other, I'm hoping someone invents a serum that will make Betty White live forever.

My first after-viewing thought was how the hell in our technology ridden society has this girl never even seen a picture of her brother's fiancee or even know her name?? You'd think she would have realized before she got there who she was.

To be fair, the movie looks like it could actually be pretty funny. Both Betty and Sigourney (and yes, even JLC) have great comedic timing, and I don't think either of them are in a position where they would pick a movie just for the paycheck. Betty White is probably the hardest working actress in Hollywood right now and good for her! She definitely deserves it, even if I am beginning to teeter on over-Betty-exposure. In fact, one of the aspects I liked about the trailer was how much they reined in the Betty and only showed a couple clips. Too many things recently have tried to capitalize on the Bettymania. Oh, and helloooooo Kristin Chenoweth!

Based on the PG rating, it's a safe bet this won't be raunchy and there won't be any nakedness. Again, this could be a good thing since everyone and their mother has been hiring Betty White to say the dirtiest, raunchiest things they can write. Get it? It's funny because she's so old!! And even though I like raunchy comedies as much as the next guy, people do need to realize that you can still be funny without the fucks and the shits.

Frankly, this could go either way for me. It'll either be watered down to the point that it's a soupy mess, or it'll have just the right amount of water for it to bloom (sue me, I'm bad at metaphors). I am interested in eventually seeing it, it just depends on whether it's worth shelling out the $10 bucks to see in the theater, or if it'll end up on my Netflix queue. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the word of mouth once this hits theaters.

Oh, and Sigourney? You wore it best.

Verdict: Save for Blu-ray

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