Thursday, June 24, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

"If we're going to date, you may have to defeat my seven evil exes."


Plot Summary:
Socially awkward hipster band geek has a major crush on too-cool-for-school hipster girl. But in order to be with her, he must first defeat her seven evil exes. One by one he knocks them down... until? Well, I don't know if he wins or loses or even loses but still wins the girl or what.

Whichever way, I'm hoping this movie turns out to be as fun as it looks. I haven't read the comic it's based off of, but I looked it up on wikipedia when I saw the teaser a little while back, and apparently it's an Americanized anime that has a significant cult following. I'm not a huge anime fan, but there are certain ones I do like, such as anything Miyazaki has ever done and I do have a soft spot for Bleach and FLCL on adult swim, so this could be up my alley.

I figured it could go a couple ways; it could either be really good or really dumb and over worked. But after seeing that trailer, I'm leaning toward the really good side just because it looks pretty cool. This is what I would expect a good live-action version of an anime to look like: a bit of campy, over-dramatic, cheese based in reality.

The whole premise just seems like a lot of fun - "defeat my seven evil exes." That's some good stuff right there. I want to see this, but I might not rush to the theater... unless it gets like 100% on rotten tomatoes or something.

Besides, I'd give anything for any semblance of an Arrested Development reunion - "her?" - and since the actual movie is never. going. to happen (it breaks my heart), casting George Michael and Annabell - you know, because she's shaped like a... never mind - together will just have to do. And Bland as a lesbian "ex" is pretty progressive for a comic geared toward teens. Even Scott's roommate is gay (at least in the comic). Take that, establishment!

I really hope I'm not wrong about this one, because while Michael Cera has been in some awesome movies (Nick & Norah) and some awesomer ones (Superbad), he's also been in some huge disappointments (Year One).

Verdict: In the theater (unless I hear it sucks)

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