Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

"Am I the only one that thinks this is a bad idea?"

Plot Summary: Everybody knows dogs and cats don't get along. But what will happen when they have to team up and stop Kitty Galore from whatever madness she's cooking up?? Oh, and there are pigeons and squirrels, too. "Dogs and cats... living together... mass hysteria!"

Oh... my... gah... what the hell is this crap?? I don't think I'm going out on much of a limb to say watching this movie might make you stupider (ahh! It's already working!!). Whoever slipped that above quote into the trailer is on to something...

There's so much wrong with this movie, I don't even know where to begin. First, "Kitty Galore" makes me want to go all Chris Brown up in here. How dare they disgrace the good Pussy name??

Next, don't they realize catnip is pretty much pot for cats? Great message, Warner Bros. Kudos though, for getting a drug reference by the MPAA.

And a squirrel dancing to the Hamster Dance Song? That makes no sense! Was this movie written in 1999?? When was the last time the Hamster Dance was even relevant?

And the tagline... ohhhhh the tagline... "Just like real spies... only furrier." WHAT!?

Poor poor Fred Armisen and Neil Patrick Harris. I can't believe you'd lower yourselves to this. At least NPH has the luxury of only being a voice and not have to be visibly associated with this dreck.

Parents who bring their kids to this should be investigated by child services for child endangerment. There are lots of better movies to take your kids to, like Toy Story 3 or even Karate Kid. I beg of you, PLEASE don't go see this movie. The only way to stop stuff like this from being greenlit is to NOT GO. Because you flocked to the theaters for Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Squeakuel, we're going to keep getting more of this. In fact, why not just give me your money instead and I'll make a video of my dog "saying" funny stuff.

This movie is just so painful to think about that I don't even want to write anymore.

Verdict: I'd rather watch The Hamster Dance for 90 minutes than this dreck.

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