Saturday, June 26, 2010

Little Fockers

"No, you're not going to erase my son's memory"

Plot Summary: We met the parents, we met the Fockers, and now we meet the Little Fockers. It's not complicated...

Do we really need another one of these movies? The last one came out 6 years ago, and I haven't heard anyone say "man, wouldn't it be awesome if there was a second Meet the Parents sequel??" That's because no one cares. Sure, the last movie made over $200 mil... but it sucked. I'm sure this will continue the trend.

While the title is good for a slight chuckle, it's another re-hash of a recurring joke from the first movie 10 years ago (wow, I feel old)... and the second... Leads me to believe the whole movie will be equally as unoriginal. I guess we should be lucky they don't live on a farm - then we might have to deal with Sheep Focker. Hm, maybe I should get a job writing for Universal.

Even the trailer doesn't seem that funny - and usually with crappy comedies they cram trailers with all the funny scenes. The best they could give us was an erection joke? And while Ben Stiller is king of the walk-in-at-just-the-right-time-awkward-situations, I much prefer his character comedy work like Zoolander and Tropic Thunder. Then again, my favorite movie when I was younger was There's Something About Mary (wow, now I feel older).

Point is, this looks pretty dumb. I'm fully willing to admit when I'm wrong, but I just see "awful" written all over this. There's nothing about this trailer that's appealing or excites me. Now if only I could get Robert DeNiro (poor Robert... what happened to you??) to erase my memory of seeing this trailer.

Verdict: HELLS no

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